Wendy Hudgins

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De-clutter your desktop. For good.

A while back we were in the chaos of deadlines, and reviewing edits for a Disney holiday TV spot in Orlando, when I noticed someone’s very organized Mac screen. So calming. Mine was a hot mess — before that phrase was even used — and I burst out, “Amber, please show me how you did that.” She did. I still love and share this desktop clean-up tip today.

Works best if:
— You’re on a Mac. Sorry PC folks...
— Your desktop looks like an episode of Hoarders.
— You don’t want to think about staying organized. But need to stay organized.

Go to the menu bar at the top of your desktop/finder:

That’s it. You’re done. Try it.
Tinker around with the size, spacing that works for you.
Here’s what will happen:

Also, I love color, but I actually recommend to keep coloring labels to a minimum for files on your computer. Mainly, I use yellow (as a sort of ‘flashlight’ for a current file) then just un-highlight it when I'm done. Otherwise, you could have an organized version of... this.

This set-up will ‘rubber band’ all your files in place. So, if even if you try to ‘move’ a folder to somewhere else on your desktop, it will bounce right back into its place. Basically your desktop will have the illusion of organization, and you’ll never have to think about it again. Voila!

I'm still looking for the “in-your-home” version of this...

Meanwhile, one small step for busy creatives.
One giant leap in de-stressing, de-cluttering. Pass it on.
